Thursday, January 29, 2009

Play It Again, Sam

You know how I said I was going to use the peasant dress pattern again to get through some of my ginormous fabric pile? This is the same pattern but in some very cutiful Aussie animals cotton I picked up the other week on a fabric shopping expedition up in Cabramatta with my lovely mother in law. There are so many fabric stores in one place, it's fantasticle. They're crammed so full of rolls that we had to take turns inside and waiting outside with Heath in the stroller which wouldn't fit in. We enjoyed a tasty lunch of Lemongrass Chicken in a Vietnamese restaurant on the main street, and Paige and my niece Bailey were all over the little junk shops. We did spot something I found amusing in one of them, some reggies for those lacking in the booty department. I doubt that will ever be me!


Steph Bond-Hutkin said...

This dress is so lovely. Do you sell them?

Honeybomb Bay said...

Thankyou Steph!
Having a little business from home would be a dream for me. Once I have enough stock ready-made I'm planning on opening an online store. I have a bit of that fabric too, I'll make up more with the rest of it in different sizes and shall update you on that.
My beautiful Grandma passed away this week so I've been a bit distracted from sewing and blogging. Shall make up for it, promise!

Jakki said...

Oh how I wish I needed a fake bum! LOL